Family, Love Sister Rose, The Poet

“Eye Sight”

By Rebecca Rose


When I woke up this morning,

My right eye was a blur

Covered with some crusteez

It made me growl a “grrr”.


So my eye, it’s not quite right

But that’s no trouble to me,

I long for a better sight

Give me a heavenly sight to see.


To look at all of God’s children

And see them in a proper light,

Of all they are and can be

When dressed in pure, temple white.


We all go through this crazy world

With opportunities to choose.

Sometimes we are not certain

If we’ll win or if we’ll lose.


I’m not always blinded physically

I’ve got two eyes that work.

But when I’m blinded spiritually

My duties I might shirk.


Be certain not to lose your sights

Don’t let them get too low.

Set them high to reach beyond

Onward, forward is where we go.


When we can look beyond ourselves

And look through heaven’s eyes,

We’ll do more good than ever dreamed

When we look beyond the skies.


Where are your sights set now?

Is it on the Father and the Son?

With the power of the Holy Ghost

This battle will be won!

Love Sister Rose, The Poet


(“The Ugly Cry,” taken the day Rebecca left for her mission)

I Love You Dear Family, Love Sister Rose

I love you dear family.  I hope you know that.

I’m proud of all you do and I will forever rejoice that I get to call you mine.  But because I love you all so much and because we’re so “tight,” as dad has said, I’ve had a bit of a hard time.  I often think about the times we play games or do fun things together and I wish that I could be there again with you.  I’ve caught myself a few times, thinking, “I want to be there instead of here.”  But that can’t happen.  I mean it could, but if I were to come back now, I couldn’t bear it.  At one time the only thought that kept me going was that the only way I can bear to return to you is after I’ve served honorably and endlessly and have done all I could do. I want to return to you with Honor, and nothing less.  I’m not a quitter and I love you, so much so that I’m staying here! 🙂

In Preach My Gospel it says “Note that the two most prominent parts on your name tag are your name and the Savior’s name.”  My name tag doesn’t say Sister Rebecca, it says Sister Rose. Rose-our family name, that each of you have.  So what I do is a representation of my family.  I also stand as a witness of Christ, for I also wear his name.


We had a training yesterday that had a profound impact on me.  We learned that there’s “yourself” the things I was and did before I was a missionary, and then there’s missionary work. Thus far, I’ll admit, I’ve been me, doing missionary things.  I haven’t truly forgotten myself and gone to work.  I have worked hard, but I can do so much more.  I need to become a true Missionary.  So therefore I need to change.

I heard it said that if I’m not changed while on the mission then I have not done my duty.  But I’m not changed by the mission, I’m changed by the Atonement.  I’m changed by grace.  “How have you been changed by grace?” Elder Bednar said, “The main idea of the word (Grace) is; divine means of help or strength, given through the bounteous mercy and love of Jesus Christ.”  He goes on to say: “Grace is the divine assistance or heavenly help each of us desperately needs to qualify for the celestial kingdom.  Thus, the enabling power of the Atonement strengthens us to do and be good and to serve beyond our own individual desire and natural capacity.”  (“The Atonement and the Journey of Mortality.” David A. Bednar)

Life Is Change 

So the tie in.  Life is full of change. It is constantly changing and so must we.  It’s the grand design of our existence to change, to learn and grow and become more Christ-like to be able to return to our Heavenly Father one day.  So we are expected to change.  But we don’t have to do it alone.  We are changed through Christ and through his help we become better.  My invitation to all is to change, to take the small steps that will lead us to the bigger steps.  I am going to change to be better so that I can return honorably home to you.  Let us all change so that we can return home to live with our Heavenly Father.  I know that we can through the Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ.  As President Monson said recently, “Shall I falter or shall I finish?”  I, will finish.


Sister Rose