Dear Family, I’m a college grad!!

Dear Family,

After finishing up my degree in December, I can’t help but reflect back on my college experience. I loved it! It was such a great experience that has truly taught me so much and has helped me to grow as a person. I’m so grateful for everything that has happened, the ups and the downs.  Throughout it all, I have grown closer to my Heavenly Father.

Last semester, I embarked on the final part of my degree—student teaching. I had told myself all summer it was going to be challenging, but nothing I can’t handle. I could do this. How intimidating were 12-year-olds, anyway?! Then August came, and just a few weeks before I was about to start student teaching, I panicked. I felt sick all the time and kept thinking that this was a mistake. I couldn’t be a teacher. I didn’t want to do this. I just wanted it to be over. What a great way to start out, right? And I hadn’t even started my student teaching yet! I was terrified that the next few months were going to be one of the most miserable experiences of my life. So I turned to my Heavenly Father, and just prayed that I could get through the whole thing.


(Me and my co-workers in the office where I worked most of my college career!)

He answered my prayers. I was blessed by having an amazing mentor teacher who welcomed me and supported me the whole time. I had amazing support from other teachers, friends, and family.  Student teaching wasn’t easy, by any means, but I had the confidence I could do it and the strength to work hard because of the support I had. Anytime I was struggling, I turned to the scriptures, and I always found the comforting words I needed to keep me going. Student teaching was an amazing experience for me, and I know I could not have done it without the strength, comfort, and support my Heavenly Father gave me along the way.  I know that he’ll always be there for me, offering the guidance and support I need, no matter what circumstances I’ll be in, and I am so grateful for that blessing in my life.

I’m a college grad!!


Family, Love Marshall, a Sunday School Teacher

Our Incredible Organization: Thoughts on Elder Uchtdorf’s 2013 October General Conference talk “Come, Join With Us”


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is an incredible organization. It is one of the fastest growing religions in the world. However, when you think of all that is asked of us as members, it is understandable why many people do not understand why the church is so incredible.

In a talk given by Elder Uchtdorf mentions that members of the church participate in church callings, home and visiting teaching, full-time missions, weekly family home evenings, temple work, welfare and humanitarian service, and assignments to teach. Members also attend 10 hours of general conference twice a year and three hours of church weekly. Members of the church also participate in family history, youth camps, devotionals, scripture study, leadership training, youth activities, early-morning seminary, maintaining church buildings, and of course there is the Lord’s law of health, the monthly fast to help the poor, and tithing.

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So why would anyone want to join this church? For everyone, the answer to that question is slightly different but the over arching theme is because the church is amazing! Although much is asked of members of the church, we also receive a lot.

I recently taught a lesson in church where I asked everyone what they love about our church.

These are some of their responses:

“I love that the church offers a peaceful reset to my hectic life. Attending three hours of church on Sunday and reading the scriptures and praying throughout the week allow me to perform better at work and school.”


“Because it is true!”


“I joined the church because I wanted more than just one to two hours of motivational talks on Sunday. I wanted to be enriched daily.”


“Ever since I was a young child, I recognized that families that were members of the church were happier and closer than other families. Since then I have always known that even if I still didn’t know if the gospel was true, I still wanted my family to be members of the church. Now that I know it is true, it is further proof of how amazing the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is.”


“Because I love the unity and friendship. I love that no matter where I go, there will be a group of members that meets on Sunday and will welcome me.”

The church is amazing. Even though we are asked to give a lot, we receive far more than we ever give. That is what is so incredible about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I am lucky and blessed to be a member.

Love Marshall, a Sunday School Teacher

Dear Newlyweds, Love 2 Years Married

Dear Family,

Almost two years ago I married the most beautiful and smart girl. These have been the most fulfilling and wonderful two years of my life. By no means am I a marriage expert. However, here I have a a little thought that I wish I would have understood better before I got married.

Before I got married, I always thought of marriage as a 50/50 agreement. As the husband, I would be responsible for half of the work and my wife would be responsible for the other half. In theory it seems like this should work. In fact, I am sure there are many couples that do make it work. However, once I got married, I quickly realized some issues with this thought process. If, for some reason, I had a bad day and did not live up to my half of the 50/50 agreement, then we would not live up to our full potential that day. Bad days, however, are going to happen and there is nothing we can do about it.

Emily and marshall

It wasn’t until I was reading the scriptures about the Lord’s atonement one day that I began to realize that this 50/50 approach wasn’t the right approach. With the Lord we are asked to give 100% everyday; not 50%, but 100%. Somedays we may fall short, but it is ok because the Savior has also given 100% and can make up that difference. So in order to fully live up to our potential as a couple every day, we must enter into a 100/100 agreement. With both people always giving 100%, you are guaranteed to always be able to reach your full potential.


Marshall (2 years married)