A New Year of Adventures, Love Mom

I LOVED being together as a family over Christmas! It was wonderful to have everyone home! My most favorite moments in life are when we are all together.

Rose Family Cheetah

Tomorrow is a significant day of new beginnings for each of you. New jobs, new states of residence, new shows, new semesters, new classes, new challenges, new adventures and new opportunities await you! It is all so exciting! Isn’t it wonderful to be alive and have the chance to experience these great things?

The Family Proclamation reminds us why we chose to come to this earth to experience these things. It states: “we are beloved spirit sons and daughters of heavenly parents with a divine nature and destiny.” All we do in this life should be preparing us for, and helping us “progress toward perfection and ultimately realize [our] divine destiny as heirs of eternal life.” The proclamation also reminds us that as we experience this life, happiness is most likely to be achieved when our lives are “founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

I hope that as you experience these new opportunities, you will continue to stay focused on the things that you chose to come to this earth to do. The Savior has taught us how we can do that.

“Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not. Behold the wounds which pierced my side, and also the prints of the nails in my hands and feet; be faithful, keep my commandments, and ye shall inherit the kingdom of heaven.” Doctrine and Covenants 6:36,37



I love each of you and continually pray for your success and happiness! You have such great potential to be powerful influences for good in this world! As you remember the Savior in all you do, with His help and power and strength, nothing is impossible!

Keep Moving Forward


Love, Mom

Family, I want a baby

I want a baby. I must be getting to that point in my life where I feel my biological clock ticking because I’ll be scrolling through Instagram, see a picture of the cutest baby ever and send it to Nick with something along the lines of “This is my baby. I want it.” Forget baby hungry, I’m baby starving. Who knew it would happen when I was 22. Anyways, Nick and I were talking the other night and my spiritual progression came up. I mean how I behave. I was proudly stating to Nick that I had already finished our lesson preparation for this Sunday (5 days before our lesson) and was pointing out how I had been telling people to pray to receive answers and even suggesting to Nick that we go to the temple. Now it’s not that I am not religious; I am just a lot more private about it than other people. But lately, Nick has been pointing out that I am more vocal and forthcoming about it. Which makes me proud of myself. I think it means I’m maturing or more comfortable with myself or something. Anyway, Nick started laughing at me as I am pointing out all my religious moments over the past couple weeks and told me to not be too proud. Of course, being the typical girl/wife that I am I got defensive and launched into how being good gets me what I want. And I want a baby. I explained to him that if I am really really good I’ll get one (I realize this sounds extremely spoiled but if you think about it, it makes sense. It’s the basis of what every little kid is taught from the moment they can understand what is going on. People work hard at work to make money, get their dream job, pretty much everything. Why couldn’t it work with a baby?) He didn’t understand so I set about explaining. I told him about how two weeks before I met him two years ago I made a conscious change in my thinking and behavior to become more invested in church and to focus on making myself a better person. I was never a bad person. But I was 19 and I was more focused on making friends and going out than I was on having a calling or focusing on others. Well, Nick was my reward. And it was awesome. We dated for four months and I was more in tune with the Spirit in those months than I had been the entire time I was at BYU so far. After four months, Heavenly Father decided to see how dedicated I was to this decision to be better in my life and Nick dumped me. I’m not denying it. Nick dumped me. And I did not see it coming. Well I decided that I would be fine and instead of going off the deep end and going out every night or worse staying home eating ice cream until I was too roly-poly to get to church, I threw myself into my ward activities. I wasn’t going to risk going backwards and starting all over again. I wanted to continue forward. Within weeks of Nick and I breaking up, I was called to be Relief Society teacher in my ward. It was the most fun I’d ever had in a singles ward. I met a whole bunch of girls I had lived next to for two years that I had never taken the time to get to know. I actually became friends with my bishop (a thought that had previously been extremely daunting…I don’t know why) and I was feeling great about myself. I was a totally better person and I grew a lot. And I enjoyed the whole process. It was awesome. And because I was so good, Nick came groveling back four months later. And he loved me all over again and the rest is history (WE GOT MARRIED!!! YAY US!!!)

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After I finished this little heated speech to Nick, he smiled at me. Having said most of it in one breath I was still trying to breathe. I asked him why he was smiling. He told me I had just shared my testimony in a way. I didn’t understand but when I think about it for a minute I guess he is right. I had faith that if I was true to my beliefs and if I tried harder that I would be blessed. I had faith in Heavenly Father that He would provide the things I needed and wanted. I didn’t have major trials. Mine were trivial compared to what a lot of people have to endure. But at the time they seemed hard. And I am better because of them. My good thoughts and actions turned into habits and I love them. So right now I am trying to be super good because… babies: going to the temple, praying more (because honestly I forget sometimes), being more on top of my calling, being a better wife and friend, that sort of thing. Baby steps, but that’s ok. Change takes time.”

Dear Family, I’m a college grad!!

Dear Family,

After finishing up my degree in December, I can’t help but reflect back on my college experience. I loved it! It was such a great experience that has truly taught me so much and has helped me to grow as a person. I’m so grateful for everything that has happened, the ups and the downs.  Throughout it all, I have grown closer to my Heavenly Father.

Last semester, I embarked on the final part of my degree—student teaching. I had told myself all summer it was going to be challenging, but nothing I can’t handle. I could do this. How intimidating were 12-year-olds, anyway?! Then August came, and just a few weeks before I was about to start student teaching, I panicked. I felt sick all the time and kept thinking that this was a mistake. I couldn’t be a teacher. I didn’t want to do this. I just wanted it to be over. What a great way to start out, right? And I hadn’t even started my student teaching yet! I was terrified that the next few months were going to be one of the most miserable experiences of my life. So I turned to my Heavenly Father, and just prayed that I could get through the whole thing.


(Me and my co-workers in the office where I worked most of my college career!)

He answered my prayers. I was blessed by having an amazing mentor teacher who welcomed me and supported me the whole time. I had amazing support from other teachers, friends, and family.  Student teaching wasn’t easy, by any means, but I had the confidence I could do it and the strength to work hard because of the support I had. Anytime I was struggling, I turned to the scriptures, and I always found the comforting words I needed to keep me going. Student teaching was an amazing experience for me, and I know I could not have done it without the strength, comfort, and support my Heavenly Father gave me along the way.  I know that he’ll always be there for me, offering the guidance and support I need, no matter what circumstances I’ll be in, and I am so grateful for that blessing in my life.

I’m a college grad!!


Family, Love Marshall, a Sunday School Teacher

Our Incredible Organization: Thoughts on Elder Uchtdorf’s 2013 October General Conference talk “Come, Join With Us”


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is an incredible organization. It is one of the fastest growing religions in the world. However, when you think of all that is asked of us as members, it is understandable why many people do not understand why the church is so incredible.

In a talk given by Elder Uchtdorf mentions that members of the church participate in church callings, home and visiting teaching, full-time missions, weekly family home evenings, temple work, welfare and humanitarian service, and assignments to teach. Members also attend 10 hours of general conference twice a year and three hours of church weekly. Members of the church also participate in family history, youth camps, devotionals, scripture study, leadership training, youth activities, early-morning seminary, maintaining church buildings, and of course there is the Lord’s law of health, the monthly fast to help the poor, and tithing.

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So why would anyone want to join this church? For everyone, the answer to that question is slightly different but the over arching theme is because the church is amazing! Although much is asked of members of the church, we also receive a lot.

I recently taught a lesson in church where I asked everyone what they love about our church.

These are some of their responses:

“I love that the church offers a peaceful reset to my hectic life. Attending three hours of church on Sunday and reading the scriptures and praying throughout the week allow me to perform better at work and school.”


“Because it is true!”


“I joined the church because I wanted more than just one to two hours of motivational talks on Sunday. I wanted to be enriched daily.”


“Ever since I was a young child, I recognized that families that were members of the church were happier and closer than other families. Since then I have always known that even if I still didn’t know if the gospel was true, I still wanted my family to be members of the church. Now that I know it is true, it is further proof of how amazing the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is.”


“Because I love the unity and friendship. I love that no matter where I go, there will be a group of members that meets on Sunday and will welcome me.”

The church is amazing. Even though we are asked to give a lot, we receive far more than we ever give. That is what is so incredible about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I am lucky and blessed to be a member.

Love Marshall, a Sunday School Teacher

Fam, Your Frozen Brother


Frozen is a beautiful story, and I love it.

Let it go is a beautiful song, and I love it.

Of course a lot of people love it, Disney’s Frozen has done really well. Elsa, a future Queen, is born with greatness. However, her parents don’t realize this, and despite their best intentions, they push away Elsa’s talents and identity. One day after a few failures of trying to figure herself out, she has a break through moment and the song “Let it Go” is born. She is able to accept herself as she is and begin to tap the wonderful talent that is inside her.

Finding herself wasn’t without hiccups. She pushed away people that were willing to help and tried to do things alone. Alone she did do great things, but she still needed her sister and close friends there to help her to rise to her calling of Queen.


I think that all of us can relate to her journey in some way or another. I’m not suggesting that we relate because our parents or everyone’s parents are bad. In my case I am extremely grateful for amazing parents that work incredibly hard for me because they love me. However, all of us have been told by someone or something or some group or in some way that what makes us great, really isn’t great. In fact we often feel pressure that we should change. And additionally like Elsa, when we search out who we really are, we have a tendency to push away those that would help because we falsely associate them with those who have hurt us.

The resolve, that Elsa had, to let the doubt and fear go, to stop pretending and start living is incredible. That attitude is most of the time easier said than done though. But it can be done! As children of a loving Heavenly Father we can become great. Alternatively living here on this imperfect earth, we can be told some pretty confusing things that can hold us back. Sometimes the culture or place that we live in creates barriers. But despite those barriers, there are people and there is the Gospel of Christ to guide us over those barriers. We can stand strong in our lives through accessing the guidance of the gospel, and we will stand stronger when we stand together.

Your Frozen Brother

Family, Your Passionate Father


Passion: In my youth, the word passion was only thought of in a romantic context.  It was only later that I realized the definition of the word.   One definition, according to Webster, is,

“The state of mind when it is powerfully acted upon and influenced by something external to itself.”

Now, with that definition, I look back and think about my passions.  The first one that comes to my mind is the passion I had with basketball.  In Jr. High and High School that is what I always dreamed about, worked on, and did.  I was always on the school team and enjoyed every bit of it. I gave it all I had.  I was involved in other things like school, church, and other smaller things, but basketball got most of my attention.


After high school, I realized that the NBA wasn’t in my future so I turned to other things I should do.  I thought about a mission and my friend Kirk Cowdin and I convinced ourselves that this was the correct thing to do.  So, before going to college, I went on a mission. I found myself completely involved in doing this great work, which turned out to be the hardest thing I had done so far in my life.  I truly had a passion for the work.

After the mission I went to Weber State University.  I had a passion to complete school.  I met my wife at the institute at Weber and she became my passion.  (Ok, this is the romantic context.)  Marriage was the greatest passion yet.  I keep having passions. My profession is one. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is another.  I even have a little passion of learning about toy trains.  I have a couple of extremely complex smoke-belching locomotive.
I believe we have a wonderful spirit and mind that we can control.  We can choose our passions in life.  We must use our knowledge and resources to make good choices.  Our passions can bring us success and happiness but a passion in the wrong direction will bring unhappiness.  So in your lives, I hope you can pursue passions that you can work hard at and find happiness in.
Your Passionate Father

Dear Family, Your Determined Mother

Dear Family,

This morning I made my trek back to the gym after our great Thanksgiving feast.   Today’s workout was a tough one.  My trainer gave me heavier weights to lift.  Just when I think I’m doing okay another challenge comes!  The first set of curls was very hard to do.  Surprisingly, the next set was much easier.  By the third and fourth set though, the weights seemed so heavy, I could not make it through the last four reps – it was just too heavy to lift. Luckily, my trainer was right there to give me a hand, and help me lift the load I couldn’t do on my own.

Sometimes I wonder why I go and put myself through this. Then I remember why I am doing it.  It helps me feel better, look better and helps me have the physical strength to serve and do the things I greatly desire to do. As difficult as it seems some days, I know that it is the resistance from the weights that is helping to make me physically and mentally stronger. Do I see results every time I go?  No, but with continual effort, I get glimpses of improvement.   Is it worth the effort?  Absolutely

Screen Shot 2013-12-18 at 11.10.14 AMWe have been sent to this earth and given bodies so we can learn and grow and improve so we can live with our Father in Heaven again. That is the goal!  Along the way, there are many challenges. Just when we overcome one thing, we seem to be faced with new challenges.

Sometimes we do not want to face the challenges we have been given.  There are times we definitely cannot do it on our own. The good news is that we have a personal trainer that will guide us, and help us when we can’t do it on our own.  If we will listen, through his still, small voice, this personal trainer will show us all things we need to know and do to reach our potential.

Each one of us has faced challenges, and there will be more yet to come.  The resistance we get with these challenges is what makes us stronger, and helps us to become what we have been sent here to become, and do what our personal mission in life is.  Do we ever question if it is worth it?   Yes, but then we remember the goal.  Will it be worth the effort required of us?  Absolutely

Can we do it?  YES!


Your Determined Mother

Dear Newlyweds, Love 2 Years Married

Dear Family,

Almost two years ago I married the most beautiful and smart girl. These have been the most fulfilling and wonderful two years of my life. By no means am I a marriage expert. However, here I have a a little thought that I wish I would have understood better before I got married.

Before I got married, I always thought of marriage as a 50/50 agreement. As the husband, I would be responsible for half of the work and my wife would be responsible for the other half. In theory it seems like this should work. In fact, I am sure there are many couples that do make it work. However, once I got married, I quickly realized some issues with this thought process. If, for some reason, I had a bad day and did not live up to my half of the 50/50 agreement, then we would not live up to our full potential that day. Bad days, however, are going to happen and there is nothing we can do about it.

Emily and marshall

It wasn’t until I was reading the scriptures about the Lord’s atonement one day that I began to realize that this 50/50 approach wasn’t the right approach. With the Lord we are asked to give 100% everyday; not 50%, but 100%. Somedays we may fall short, but it is ok because the Savior has also given 100% and can make up that difference. So in order to fully live up to our potential as a couple every day, we must enter into a 100/100 agreement. With both people always giving 100%, you are guaranteed to always be able to reach your full potential.


Marshall (2 years married)

Hello Family, We’re Engaged!

Hello Family,

First of all I want to say that I am enjoying the posts that we have so far and I am very excited about our blog.  Hearing about what is going on in everyone’s lives and reading everyone’s testimony is very inspiring.

Getting engaged! and being engaged is awesome.  I’m glad that I’m here at this point in my life.  Ali and I are enjoying the process of preparing to start our life together.  There’s a lot of stress and work that goes into it, but we’re having fun along the way.  Here are a few previews of some of the engagements we took this last week.

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I definitely wouldn’t be at this point in my life without the power of change, specifically change that comes through following Christ.  There are a lot of messages out there about change.  There are even songs on the radio that say that change isn’t that important.  They make some good points – there are things that don’t change right away and somethings that may not change in this lifetime.   For example, we’ll always be human and we will always be tempted.  Our “natural man” will be with us all a long the way and I don’t think that we should feel bad about that.  I don’t think we should feel bad about being tempted and feeling a desire to sin; we are after all mortal.

We are going to fail, in the short run, but this doesn’t mean there isn’t hope.  This doesn’t mean we can’t make changes, become stronger, and find true happiness.  The world would have us believe “we are who we are,” simply “born this way.” They say there’s nothing to change, and that we must simply embrace our natural self.  And I think it is ok that we embrace who we are, but I don’t think it ends there.

I know that we will find happiness and true joy if we believe that we can grow, change, and improve.  I believe that finding true joy, not the fleeting fun that sin brings, but true lasting joy, joy that brings peace, peace that never comes by following our “natural man” self, happens by following the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.  It’s the only voice that gives us a solid and sure way to find that joy. Following that path is what has allowed me to become who I am and, because of making changes in my life, I am much happier.


Nick Rose

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Dear Family, Love Mom

Dear Family,

This weekend Emily and I prepared a calendar to send to Becca for her birthday.  As I have searched through all our old photographs, to find ones to include in the calendar, I have been flooded with memories of so many great moments together.  Where have the years gone?   My great-grandmother, Therissa Clark wrote this in her journal, speaking of the happy years she enjoyed raising her children; ”Would a million dollars buy those … loved children?   No, nor bring the happiness they bring.  Nine were ours and what happy hours of companionship in those years.  …never while life shall last will those hours, days and weeks be forgotten.”  That is exactly how I feel!


As I looked, I found pictures of each of you on your first day of school!  That was always a sad day for me.  I shed many tears as I watched you walk off to school after a summer full of happy times.


Now you are all out on your own.   You come home to visit, then drive off to the adventures you are pursuing.   As you know, I still shed a few tears as you leave.   A mother’s heart is always with her children, hoping and praying that they will choose wisely, be watched over and protected, and come home safely.


As you go out into the world to pursue your life’s goals, your dad and I will always love and support you.   We can’t go with you (although we wish we could) but our love for you will always be strong.   There is One whose love for you is even greater than ours – for His love is Infinite and Divine.  He will always be there to guide, watch over and protect you, until you arrive home safely.


In Matthew 1:23 we learn of the prophecy  Isaiah gave of the Savior’s birth: “Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.”  Then, at the end of Matthew  in  28:20, the risen Lord leaves us with this message: “And lo, I am with you alway…”  In D&C 24:8, He again states it: “Be patient in afflictions, for thou shalt have many; but endure them, for, lo, I am with thee, even unto the end of thy days.”  And in the Book of Mormon, Nephi lovingly reminds us:  “He numbereth his sheep, and they know him, and there shall be one fold and one shepherd; and he shall feed his sheep, and in him they shall find pasture.”


May you never forget my love for you, nor the great love He has for you…until we all return home safely to Him!

